

FarmCrest specialty chickens are raised on a family farm in BC's North Okanagan. FarmCrest has over 50 years experience raising poultry to the highest humane and ethical standards.

A traditional diet. FarmCrests's chickens are fed a traditional homemade all-vegetable diet, vitamins and minerals, free of animal by-products, hormones and antibiotics. Most of these ingredients are grown right on the farm.

Quality Assured. Having their own on-farm hatchery, feed mill, grow barns and processing plant means we are assured of the highest standards from beginning to end. We have also eliminated the trucking of live birds.

Unique. All of these features combine to make their operation unique. The result - a uniquely flavourful and healthy chicken which you will love.





Turkeys raised under the JD Farms (jdfarms.ca) specialty turkey certification are fed a natural diet of grain, vitamins and minerals without any antibiotics or animal by-products. The turkeys are raised in spacious, well-ventilated barns with free access to fresh water and a constant supply of fresh feed. Special care and diet bring about the highest quality and exceptional flavour.